Company Profile

Company Name Micasa Trading Co.,Ltd.
Company Address 1-5, Kamiyamate-cho, Suita-shi, Osaka, (565-0841) JAPAN
Date Founded October, 2009 (Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi)
Date Established April 18, 2017
Contact Information TEL/FAX:+81-6-7181-7140
Main Business Activities 1 Development, production, sales, importation/exportation of motorcycle and automotive parts.
2 Development, production, sales, importaion/exportation of industrial equipments.
3 Organization of domestic and overseas motorsports events.
4 Buying, selling, and installation of used vehicles and industrial equipments.
5 Translation of foreign languages.
6 Consulting and information supplement service.
7 All businesses incidental to or relating to the above clauses.
Major Customers & Suppliers (Motorcycle/Automotive)Motorcycle & automotive parts wholesalers, car dealers, retail companies
(FA/Industrial Equipment)Readymixed concrete manufacturers, automotive parts manufacturers
(Translation and Support)SME manufacturers
(Overseas)China, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Slovenia, UK, Germany, Italy
President and Representative Director Mari Nishimura
Capital 2,600,000 yen
Fiscal Year From April 1 to March 31 of the following year

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